June 16,The pig 2309 contract plunged rapidly in the last 3 seconds,Based on time-sharing statistics,At 14:59:57,There are 207 lots traded at 15385 yuan tons,Just 3 seconds,In the blink of an eye,Dayou Futures relies on an efficient trading system to accurately capture and obtain 131 orders for customers,Transaction ratio exceeds...
All the time,Dayou Futures always regards protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors as an important mission,Enrich investment education product matrix,With“Knowing things clearly,Gain without losing,Therefore we can have knowledge”for ideas,Created“You know”Consulting service brand,Provide investors with warm services。June 26,“Informed Voice...
June 15th is the 11th national publicity day to prevent illegal fund-raising。Baling Rural Commercial Bank actively participates in Yueyang County’s centralized publicity on preventing and handling illegal fund-raising。This year’s promotional theme is “Keep your money bag·Protect a happy home”。At the promotion site,There is a publicity board to prevent illegal fund-raising,hanging announcement...
Anxun Small Loan, a subsidiary of Modern Wealth, actively practices ";Technology w88 online casinoFinance、Convenient and efficient”Idea,Continuously increasing the digitalization of financial services、Intelligent promotion efforts。Recently,Anxun Small Loan“Modern room discount”The cloud mortgage real estate registration system is officially launched,By connecting to Changsha City“Internet + real estate mortgage registration”一...
Evening of June 8th,The 6th Zhengzhou Commercial Exchange Cup National College Student Financial Simulated Trading Competition Presentation Conference started as scheduled at Shaoyang College。This seminar is hosted by Dayou Futures Co., Ltd.、Co-organized by the Department of Economics and Management of Shaoyang University,2021 students majoring in financial engineering attended this seminar。Meeting starts,Great future...
Morning of June 10th,By Changsha Tianxin District Committee、&ldquo sponsored by the district government;Juli Tianxin·Xiang Sees the Future”2023 Investment Promotion and Hunan Business Return Work Conference was held in Changsha。After public solicitation、Qualification review、Written review and public announcement procedures,Modern Fortune Company was awarded the 2023 Tianxin District“Four New Economy...
To deepen school-enterprise cooperation,Strengthen investor education and financial talent training,And provide a variety of teaching practice activities for Central South University MBA students,With the strong support of Hunan Futures Industry Association,May 27,Dayou Futures and Central South University held the“Into the futures company、Understand the futures industry”...
May 13,Dayou Futures held a &ldquo at the provincial investment education base;Youzhi Practical Training Camp”——Winners of the Conversation Contest。Chen Shanshan, Deputy Secretary-General of Hunan Futures Industry Association、Xiao Long, deputy general manager of Dayou Futures Co., Ltd., attended this event。Event Invitation Futures Daily Real Trading Competition Gold Medal Guide...
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