November 6,Modern Investment Co., Ltd. held a unique music-themed party class w88 live casino- "Leading Melody",Let the red gene “sound” into people’s hearts in a special way,Gather the strength to forge ahead。Yue Qianru, Level 2 Inspector of the Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,Secretary of the Party Committee of Expressway Group、Chairman,Secretary of the Party Committee of Modern Investment、Chairman Luo Weihua,Member of the Party Committee of Expressway Group,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Modern Investment、Vice Chairman、General Manager Tang Qiansong,Lei Kaiming, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Modern Investment, and others attended the event。
Luo Weihua said in his speech,Adhere to the party’s leadership、Strengthening party building is always the "root" and "soul" of state-owned enterprises。Modern Investment serves as an important platform for highway asset securitization,We must learn spiritual nutrition through theoretical study、Gathering strength for progress,Deepen the integration of party building and business operations。To understand the light of truth through learning,w88 online sports bettingEstablish strong ideals,Strengthening responsibilities,Gather forward momentum,Further strengthen confidence in reform and development,Refining the spirit of pioneering and forging ahead,Strive to deliver excellent answers to high-quality development。
The theme party class of "Leading Melody" is divided into "Guidance of the Flag"、"The Inspiration of Dreams"、"Expansion of the road"、Five chapters of "Source of Power" and "Symphony of Beauty",Each chapter selects the “strongest voice” that best represents each era,From "The Internationale",To "We Are All Dream Chasers",From "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" to "Don't forget the well-diggers when you are in trouble",Through those songs that firmly rooted in the people,Lead the audience to feel the pulse of the changing times。The entire music party class has a multi-dimensional immersive learning effect through "seeing", "listening", "singing" and "understanding",Innovate on the basis of learning the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party,Further enhanced w88 casinothe cohesion of the broad masses of party members、centripetal force,Inspire officers’ entrepreneurial confidence and enthusiasm,Promote the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party at the grassroots level、"Take root" in the enterprise。
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